Women's Day Blog Series - Alicia Souza

Women's Day Blog Series - Alicia Souza

03 Mar 17  |  By Tea Trunk

By her own admission, Alicia can't keep her hands still, which is why she ended up illustrating for a living. A freelance illustrative designer based in Bengaluru, her quirky illustrations can turn a frown upside down. She has gone places, quite literally too... grew up in the Middle East, studied in Australia, and then moved to India. 

In case the image isn't illustrative enough, here's more about Alicia:

1. Describe your journey in one word.

Alicia: Learning.

2. What is the boldest thing you have ever done?

Alicia: Move to India without much of a plan.

3. If you were to draw out the message #BeBoldForChange, what would you draw?

Alicia: A person walking. I guess because all it takes is a little step even to make a big change.

4. A lil birdie told us you have a black book of recipes. If you were to publish your own cookbook, what would it be called, and why?

Alicia: Hahaha yes!! It’s actually filled to the last page and now I have a BIG black book! Maybe ‘The something-something Cookbook’.

5. You’re a new addition to a crayon box. What color would you be, and why?

Alicia: Yellow! I like to think I can brighten a blank page :)

Under her self-titled online store, Alicia Souza sells a range of accessories featuring her illustrations, which are mostly inspired by her two furry pets.

Tea Trunk

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